Junto Art
Welcome to our Sculpture Garden. As you stroll around our vineyard you'll encounter several captivating sculptures that reflect Nebraska's natural history, crafted by talented local artists.
"Last stand"
Created from historical agricultural iron pieces and installed on an old railroad base. The materials which were primarily responsible for the near extinction of American bison memoralize their history in this life size sculpture.
Displayed at Junto Wine.
Created by Local Artist Mark Kuzara (2020)

"SandhillS Crane"
Original sculpture created using steel, pipes, rebar, ball bearings and twsited rod.
Displayed at Junto Wine.
Created by Local Artist Teri Martens (2020)
"A Precious Bird"
From the Artist:
"A white dove can be symbolic of peace, love and new beginnings. The release of white doves during rituals, ceremonies and celebrations has been a tradition for centuries & transcends all cultures and traditions."
Displayed at Junto Wine.
Created by Local Artist Mark Kuzara (2019)

"The cornhusker maidens"
Sitting above our Tasting Room & Event Center are replicas of the "corn maidens" that adorned the Cornhusker Hotel in Lincoln, Nebraska.
Displayed at Junto Wine.
Replicas of originals by Jay Tschetter